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[FREE!] Stick Figure Base M4.0V1.0 (VRChat Ready!) (UPDATED!)

[FREE!] Stick Figure Base M4.0V1.0 (VRChat Ready!) (UPDATED!)

The Stick Figure Base model is based on the old stick figure characters of sites like FluidAnims, StickPage, and Hyun's Dojo! As this is a community that I've been a part of almost all of my life, I'd love to see more representation in the VRChat community.

What's New?:

Model updated to M4.0V1.1

Model Features:

- Ingame color wheel for changing hair color/saturation, eye color, and clothing color/saturation/brightness.

Many facial expressions and blend shapes for making all types of facial expression combos.

Optimized to only require 1 material, 1 texture, and low file size.

VRChat Ready!

What's Included?:

-Unity Package with a ready-to-upload version of the models.

-FBX files with a unity-ready fully body tracking rig.

-Blender files for the model. (Blender 2.8x+ Only)

-Avatar 3.0

-Both Male and Female stick figure models are included

-Default MSage outfit included for both Male and Female models

What's Required Before Installing The Unity Package?:

-Unity version 2018.4.20f1

-The latest avatar SDK3 can be found here:

-Dynamic Bones addon (Only if you wish to have jiggle physics for Eevee):

-Shader used in the unity project: Mochies FREE Unity shader

What you CAN do:

-Modify, upload and use for personal use.

-Sell or ask for commissions to customize the given assets, as long as credit to the original model is given.

-Make public/clone-able versions of the avatar.

What you CAN NOT do:

- Resell any unmodified assets.

FInal Note:

I hope to see MANY versions of these models around VRChat, it may sound silly but Stick Figures mean a lot to me, especially these ones. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.


Use code: "msage" for 100% off!

Avatar Gallery

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