What's up homies?! I've been making some serious changes to my VRChat home world, that I believe you just might find interesting!
Being I had to completely remake my shop, and bring all my products to payhip.com, I've decided it was time for my VRChat home world to change as well!
Now, all of my pets can be properly displayed, and I will never run out of room! Now only are you now able to pre-view all of my pets, but you can also now pre-view all of their custom skins as well! On top of that, you can also test out every single pet, with the "try before you buy" feature that has been added to every product display!
Avatars that I create, will not be put on shelves or in test tubes like before. Instead, all of my finished avatars that are available in my shop, will be displayed as NPCs in my world!
At this current time, I do not have the avatars displayed yet, but do watch and wait! They will be added soon!
Huge shout out to my supporters. I appreciate every single person who supports me through using my pets and products, but I really want to show my thanks to those who support me directly, through my discord server!
Those who boost my server or become server supporters will have their names displayed at the spawn of my world! This is yet another perk that I'm giving to those who want to give me a little extra to keep me going.
I have even added a large media room, which will be used for get togethers, and dancing groups to record videos!
I'm always making changed and adding new things to this world, so feel free to favorite the world, and come back every now and then to see what else I've done!
But that's going to be it for this update. Please do click that "<3" at the bottom of this post if you've made it this far! I'm looking forward to working on this world, and seeing many people occupy what I've created!
Discord server: https://www.msage.co/discord
MSage, signing off!