Shop MSage Avatars
Here, you will be able to find and purchase Avatars created by me, ready for public usage!
MSage's Female Head M1 (VRChat Model Head!)
Model Features:
-42 Custom Blend shapes for Lip Syncing, customizations, and expressive gestures!
-Toggle for normal ears & elf ears
-Bones implemented for optional tongue dynamics
-Polygon count: 17k
MSage's Female Base L1 (VRChat Model Base!)
This female base model was made for the purpose of being used in VR Chat! MSage's Female Base L1 (L1 meaning large, with the intention of creating other size versions)
Model Features:
-Adjustable nipple size
-Adjustable waist size
-Adjustable Lovehandles (for realism)
-Optimized to only require 1 material, 1 texture, and low file size.
-Dynamic bones in the buttocks, breasts & inner thigh
-Polycount: 49k
[FREE!] Stick Figure Base M4.0V1.0 (VRChat Ready!) (UPDATED!)
The Stick Figure Base model is based on the old stick figure characters of sites like FluidAnims, StickPage, and Hyun's Dojo! As this is a community that I've been a part of almost all of my life, I'd love to see more representation in the VRChat community.
What's New?:
Model updated to M4.0V1.1
Model Features:
- Ingame color wheel for changing hair color/saturation, eye color, and clothing color/saturation/brightness.
Many facial expressions and blend shapes for making all types of facial expression combos.
Optimized to only require 1 material, 1 texture, and low file size.
VRChat Ready!