What's up homies!? It's been a while. I'm coming back to you with some news and updates for both the site and how we operate here on MSage.co!
Commission Queue: The queue will be moved to mainly be on the discord server. As this will allow for all commissioners to be more up to date with progress on their commission, as well as get more detailed information on their commissions. So far this has seemed to work out better than the website-based commission queue and soon we will be removing the queue listing from the website its self. Discord Activity: The discord has become way more active recently, due to most MSage.co operations running through the discord server itself. I Highly advise everyone to join the discord, if you would like to get updates on commission progress, new shop items, projects, and events hosted by the server! Learn how to be a 3D Character artist:
Soon we will begin a weekly Blender3D & Unity course on character creation and how to get started as a 3D Character Artist, and possibly turn it into a career! These classes will take place on the discord server, and you will be updated when classes begin! In conclusion, big things are happening, and in order for you to not miss out on it, you've gotta join the discord server. If you'd like to join the server just visit https://www.msage.co/discord and click the button to join the server!! Hopefully, see you homies there soon!! -MSage